world water day
world water day

Water is an essential part of human existence.

World Water Day is a event which encourages people to show support on the campaign for clean water sources, by not using the tap for one whole day. It started in 1993 by UN-Water and gained worldwide recognition that even the largest social media site, Facebook and its users have recognised and participated in. Each year, UN-Water selects new themes and campaigns that focus on important water issues we face today. UN-Water is an inter-agency unit of the United Nations working on all issues on freshwater and sanitation.
You can also "LIKE" My Water Filter today on Facebook and we will give 5 people in need fresh drinking water as part of our mission!

Water and Energy

This year, World Water Day will be celebrated with the theme, “Water and Energy” creating awareness on our responsibility to provide sustainable energy source and clean water to billions of people around the world. It will focus its attention on best practices and policies that make water and energy-efficient sources a reality. The UN recognises interconnection between water and energy sources thus the need to protect these resources.

Water Crisis

Generally, the theme for this year, as with any previous years, coincides with the Millennium, Development Goals of the organisation. The Millennium, Development Goals are guidelines established to help eliminate all forms of global poverty by the year 2015.

According to the 2013 Millennium Development Goals Report, more than 2.1 billion people worldwide have had improved drinking water source since 1990. However, access to safe drinking water by the rural communities remains serious concerns. The numbers indicate that in 2011, 768 million people still drew water from unimproved and unsafe sources.

Did you know that?

  • Even 38% of the 6.2 billion people using an improved drinking water source say they are not satisfied with their water’s quality compared to people enjoy the benefits of piped water systems.
  • In 2011 there was a 3 % drop on the number of people relying on untreated surface water compared to 6% in 1990.
  • Hydroelectricity remains to be the largest renewable source of energy with 16% of its share in total power generation
  • 1.3 billion people still do not have electricity while 2.6 billion people use solid fuels for cooking


My Water Filter Mission

Let us be one-step ahead on this crusade and start at home by providing safe drinking water to our families through ensuring water from our tap is free from contaminants and chemicals. And now beyond our homes…

Our mission is to end the global water crisis and make clean water accessible for everyone!

Join the cause
Hand in hand, we can end this global crisis and provide clean and safe drinking water to all people in this world. Even small things we do can mean the world to someone, and will make a whole lot of difference.
Type-water and health