Replacement Cartridge Pack for ULTRAPURE Aragon 10" Twin Under Sink - Benchtop Water Filter with Low Alkaline

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Replacement Cartridge Pack for ULTRAPURE Aragon 10" Twin Under Sink / Benchtop Water Filter with Low Alkaline

This cartridge pack includes:

STAGE 1 - Aragon Water Filter Replacement Cartridge

This Aragon drinking water filter cartridge is imported from Europe. It is the perfect solution for creating safe, good quality drinking & cooking water from the treated chemical water supplied to our towns & cities now day’s. Our water can be supplied from dams, rivers, bores, recycled systems & even sea water from desalination plants, then a massive amount of chlorine & chemicals is added.

This cartridge has been tested over & over again all around the world and has some of the best test results we have ever seen. We highly recommend this water filtration cartridge for any 10” x 2.5” water filtration systems. This cartridge can be used on its own in a single housing water filter or with other cartridges in a system, it does have the test results to stand alone.

This cartridge is highly recommended. Removing chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals, herbicides & pesticides, cysts, bacteria, virus and sediments. This cartridge is a real all round cartridge with very good test results.

Aragon represents the most up-to-date technology for water treatment and viruses, bacteria and cysts removal. That makes it possible to get completely safe and health-promoting water without boiling.

This filter can be used as the main element in your water filter water or decontamination systems or as one of the pretreatment stages, eg. as a part of the membranes protection against bio contamination.

The Aragon Plus is comparable to polymeric UF/MF membranes (that are for domestic use) in efficiency. But it has greater productivity and significantly lower pressure drop.

Provides higher efficiency of filtration and kinetic absorption as compared to standard nonwoven fabrics including granular activated carbon.

Absolutely environmentally-friendly. It can be used for potable water treatment and decontamination according to GOST R 51871-02, 51232-98.

STAGE 2 - Low Alkaline

The second cartridge in this water filtration system is used to elevate the acidic pH level of the water and polish up the taste as rain or bore water can be quite acidic with a pH level well under 7pH.

When acidic water like rain water is collected into a concrete water tank, the lime leaches out of the walls of the concrete tank and mixes with the water in the tank to elevate the acidic pH level to be around neutral, which is 7pH which is recommended to drink.

But if your water is contained in any other style of water tank there is no lime to elevate the pH of the acidic water. So you need to ensure you do elevate the pH of your water before you consume it. People should not consume acidic water for any length of time or you can slowly turn acidic inside your body.

If you love the taste of rain water, you will love it even more after you filter it through the Low Alkaline cartridge. As the water flows through this Low Alkaline cartrtidge, the acidic water eats into the calcite and corosex minerals which elevates the pH of the water up to be Alkaline water with a pH level of 7pH or a bit above.

Then the last pass for the water inside this cartridge is through carbon, which polishes up the water to make it incredibly tasty to drink. This water is now perfectly safe for human consumption.

The My Water Filter® Difference

“We love our products and what we do so below are just some of the things we do to make a difference”

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When you buy a water filter or home water solution from My Water Filter®, at no extra cost to you, we give life changing drinking water to people in need on your behalf.

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Product ID 2207

This cartridge/pack can be used to replace the cartridges of the following filter/s:

Replacement Cartridge Pack for ULTRAPURE Aragon 10" Twin Under Sink / Benchtop Water Filter with Low Alkaline

This cartridge pack includes:

STAGE 1 - Aragon Water Filter Replacement Cartridge

This Aragon drinking water filter cartridge is imported from Europe. It is the perfect solution for creating safe, good quality drinking & cooking water from the treated chemical water supplied to our towns & cities now day’s. Our water can be supplied from dams, rivers, bores, recycled systems & even sea water from desalination plants, then a massive amount of chlorine & chemicals is added.

This cartridge has been tested over & over again all around the world and has some of the best test results we have ever seen. We highly recommend this water filtration cartridge for any 10” x 2.5” water filtration systems. This cartridge can be used on its own in a single housing water filter or with other cartridges in a system, it does have the test results to stand alone.

This cartridge is highly recommended. Removing chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals, herbicides & pesticides, cysts, bacteria, virus and sediments. This cartridge is a real all round cartridge with very good test results.

Aragon represents the most up-to-date technology for water treatment and viruses, bacteria and cysts removal. That makes it possible to get completely safe and health-promoting water without boiling.

This filter can be used as the main element in your water filter water or decontamination systems or as one of the pretreatment stages, eg. as a part of the membranes protection against bio contamination.

The Aragon Plus is comparable to polymeric UF/MF membranes (that are for domestic use) in efficiency. But it has greater productivity and significantly lower pressure drop.

Provides higher efficiency of filtration and kinetic absorption as compared to standard nonwoven fabrics including granular activated carbon.

Absolutely environmentally-friendly. It can be used for potable water treatment and decontamination according to GOST R 51871-02, 51232-98.

STAGE 2 - Low Alkaline

The second cartridge in this water filtration system is used to elevate the acidic pH level of the water and polish up the taste as rain or bore water can be quite acidic with a pH level well under 7pH.

When acidic water like rain water is collected into a concrete water tank, the lime leaches out of the walls of the concrete tank and mixes with the water in the tank to elevate the acidic pH level to be around neutral, which is 7pH which is recommended to drink.

But if your water is contained in any other style of water tank there is no lime to elevate the pH of the acidic water. So you need to ensure you do elevate the pH of your water before you consume it. People should not consume acidic water for any length of time or you can slowly turn acidic inside your body.

If you love the taste of rain water, you will love it even more after you filter it through the Low Alkaline cartridge. As the water flows through this Low Alkaline cartrtidge, the acidic water eats into the calcite and corosex minerals which elevates the pH of the water up to be Alkaline water with a pH level of 7pH or a bit above.

Then the last pass for the water inside this cartridge is through carbon, which polishes up the water to make it incredibly tasty to drink. This water is now perfectly safe for human consumption.

The My Water Filter® Difference

“We love our products and what we do so below are just some of the things we do to make a difference”

We Give Together

When you buy a water filter or home water solution from My Water Filter®, at no extra cost to you, we give life changing drinking water to people in need on your behalf.

Bit by bit we make a difference together. Check out our giving page here.

“We also deliver our products for FREE and you get a 30-day money back guarantee. The product comes with free insurance too!”

Free Delivery Australia Wide
Our 10 Guarantees
30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Product ID 2207

This cartridge/pack can be used to replace the cartridges of the following filter/s: