In this article, you will learn how to clean a stainless steel tap for a gravity water filter to prevent or treat mould or mildew.
There are a number of ways you can do this to minimise the risk of mould or mildew growing inside your tap without using harsh chemicals like bleach.

Simply unscrew your tap, using the locking nut inside and soak the tap in a bowl or container of hydrosil or hydrogen peroxide.
You can also use a flexible straw cleaner to scrub inside the tap, just make sure the tap is open, and you are careful not to get your straw cleaner stuck in the process.

You can purchase 1L of Hydrosil from us.
Hydrogen Peroxide

Or simply purchase some Sanofi Hydrogen Peroxide from your local supermarket.
Ordinary Dishwashing Detergent

Alternatively, you can always give it a good old fashioned scrub and rinse it with mild washing detergent.
Have a go, and contact us if you have any questions. We’d be happy to help.