[VIDEO] Stefani 3.5L Premium Water Filter Jug - Product Spotlight

Good day folks, Rod from My Water Filter here today and what I would like to share with you today, is the Stefani Premium Water Filter Jug.

What You Need to Know

This product is a larger jug from Stefani. So, more suited to a family or two and three people in the home. They are a similar jug to a Brita, in the sense that they're attacking and removing the chlorine out of the water and making the water taste better and smell a lot better too.

Stefani 3.5L Jug

What You Need to Consider

It is unrecommended to be used on tank water, or untreated water, because that's a different sort of filtration. But, in the city, in the town's, government water, people would use one of these since this will make the water taste great. It has a carbon to remove contamination out of the water; however, it's not going to do the heavy metals and the bigger stuff.


Moving on, you won't find test results on a filter like this since they are a bit of budget style. This is why we are going to be honest with you and tell you that they are what they are and a lot of people use them. This works on treated, chlorinated government water, but that's about where it stops.

Simple and Easy to Use

They are a fairly simple basic style filter, which is great and has not much to put together. It's sort of all made up ready to go but, Stefani on the front. To install these, you just need put in the cartridge down into the filter, get the jug, put it under the tap, and fill up the top tank. Just by gravity, it'll filter down through the cartridge. It'll slowly start to fill the jug up.

Stefani 3.5L Jug Refrigerator

Points to Ponder

It's like the Maxtra, and they're very similar to the Brita Cartridges. This cartridge is suitable for filtering chlorine out of the water. If you're in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, where many chloramines are being used nowadays, this might not be the perfect thing for you.

Compatible with Other Cartridges

Not to worry, because you could still run with the jug since cartridges like these are available in our website. The Geyser from Europe will take out all the heavy metals and herbicides, pesticides, and viruses. So, if you wanna get a Stefani jug, grab a Geyser cartridge and put in the top instead if you want to put it on rain water. If you’re going to use a high alkaline and want your jug to alkalise and raise the water’s pH, we also have a high pH elevation cartridge. It'll fit into these as well too.

Handy and Convenient

This is a 3.5 litre jug, and can fill up to 35 glasses of water, suitable for a small family. If you're looking for a jug to filter your water at home that you can simply keep in the fridge, this could be the go for you.

What it Does

This product does four stages of filtration; the top layer is a mesh to block out any sediments. Then, as it filters down through that, there's the activated carbon inside. Then, there's a quartz layer for further filtration, and there's some mineral pellets in the bottom of it. Those mineral pellets are there to stop limescale and probably reduce but not remove heavy metals.

Stefani 3.5L Jug Box


This might be something you wanna have a look at, and it will make the water taste a lot better than straight out of the tap. So, if that works for you, good luck, and if we can help in any way, give us a call. We'd love to hear from you. Thanks very much!