The Gold Coast is a coastal subtropical haven with skyscrapers, picturesque beaches, well-known golf courses, and vibrant festivities. This is one of the most popular surfing destinations in the world and one that enjoys lots of sunshine. Aside from being the surfer’s paradise, Gold Coast also has world-famous national parks, including the scenic Main Range, Lamington, and Border Ranges.
Gold Coast’s Drinking Water
Gold Coast is truly a city built on the water and with its subtropical climate there is no lack of it. There are 6 local catchments in Gold Coast surroundings however it is Hinze Dam, located in the hinterland, which supplies most of the water provided to the people on the Gold Coast.

Who Controls Our Water?
The Queensland state owns the drinking water treatment plants throughout the region, but it gives the local government of Gold Coast the responsibility to distribute water via Gold Coast Water. It monitors 65 reservoirs for water quality issues and regulates water treatment processes in different facilities.
Gold Coast Water employs scientists who are responsible for regular analysis of samples from all reservoirs and selected taps in the city. Water is tested for presence of any organic or chemical impurities, which are harmful to humans.
While water treatment aims to keep the impurities within the safe range, It does not necessarily mean a complete removal of impurities...
What Lurks In The Gold Coast's Drinking Water
That glass of water from your tap does not really reveal anything. It’s clear and perfectly normal, and it seems completely safe to drink. But there’s some danger in being too complacent with your tap water.
The city notifies consumers if they detect water quality issues, but many people may miss their announcements. Also, detection of problems can happen when several people have started complaining about odour or discolouration—or worse, diarrhoea.
Here are common problems with tap water:
- Household contaminants. Did you know chemicals you use at home might come in contact with your home water supply? How? Certain chemicals may seep into plastic pipes and pollute your water supply without you even knowing. For instance, garden fertilizers or pesticides may stay in the soil and leak into your pipes. If you notice your water smelling odd or tasting funny, have it tested.
- Algae. If your tap water smells musty, it probably has significant amounts of blue-green algae. Treatment facilities are quite successful in removing microscopic blue-green algae from drinking water, but serious cases of algae growth (algal bloom) can put community water at risk. Blue-green algae release toxins that attack the liver and the nervous system.
- Copper. Watch out for that bluish water that tastes a bit bitter. It is probably contaminated with significant levels of copper. Don’t drink it or use it for cooking. Open the tap for two minutes, and then see if the water is still the same. This happens most likely due to corrosion of old copper pipes and can cause major health upsets in your body if not fixed. Copper can cause major issues for your health.
- Chlorine. This chemical is famous for disinfecting water supply and one of the best ways of killing bacteria and algae in water. However, it gives water that characteristic smell of bleach. Worse, chlorine has potentially harmful by-products that can make you ill.
- Fluoride. Most European countries refuse to fluoridate their water supplies, but we are one of those countries that are on the opposite side. Gold Coast Councils are trying to banned it but have had no success... and it makes you think why? Fluoridation is meant to lower tooth decay but there is little evidence to prove it works. We are medicated for no reason and putting our families at risk of fluorosis and other complications.
- Fluoride water filters are becoming more and more popular as people realise the risks of fluoridation. Be sure to check out the top reasons people by fluoride water filters.

Is There Something You Can Do?
The city government may be doing its best to save you from obviously harmful water contaminants, but conventional filtration carried out in treatment plants is probably just introducing new dangers to your health.
But You Have A Choice!
It’s time you make sure your family drinks only clean, filtered water.
Shopping For The Right Water Filter For Your Home
Don’t buy just any water filter out there. Some machines are better than others.
A Benchtop Water Filter is highly effective and can be taken with you no matter how many times you move house. Under Sink Water Filters and Reverse Osmosis Water Filters are also very popular and effective options against all of the contaminants above. There are many homes with Bore Water on the Gold Coast so be sure to check out what we can do for you if you're in that boat too.
Look for specifications. Know what that water filter can do and cannot do.
Read reviews and see if previous buyers are satisfied with the product.
Moreover, look for trusted manufacturers.
Stop wondering if your tap water is okay. Start feeling assured.
With the right water filter, you are safe!
My Water Filter has been taking care of people’s water at home for over 30 years and the products have been given the health tick of approval.
You can shop online and feel safe that you are getting the right product that will support your health. PLUS we deliver to your door to make the whole process even easier.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, we'd be delighted to help!